Adult Learning Inspectorate Publishes Review of Equality of Post-16 Learning
The ALI has just published an in-depth review of equality opportunities for learners who are over 16. Its key findings saw a significant improvement from 2001-02, when 40% of learning providers were unsatisfactory or very weak in their approach to equal opportunities. In contrast, prisons have not shown any improvement, with 40% of prisons continuing to be graded as unsatisfactory or weak in their approach to equality of opportunity in their learning or training provision.
The report also found that women make up just 1% of construction apprentices, while men constitute just 3% of those in the childcare sector. Furthermore, just 6% of apprentices are from ethnic minority groups. The good news is that 10% of FE colleges are outstanding in the approach to equality of opportunity.
“The moral argument for treating each other with respect is clear, but so is the business case. The employment rates among minority ethnic groups, women, the disabled and the over 50s are substantially lower than the 80% that the government aspires to and will never be improved unless all organizations support equality of opportunity,” says John Landeryou, the co-ordinator of the report.