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Adult Learning to be the Main Issue at Conference

A conference in Hull in October is expected to demonstrate the power and influence of adult learning across Europe.

The role of international adult learning programmes has played a vital role amongst the adult population. To recognise this, adult learners and teachers from all across Europe will come together in Hull on October the 6th for a conference to celebrate the achievements to date, to discuss the challenges currently facing them and debate the best direction for the future.

The venue chosen for the event is a community that faces real education challenges. According to a recent study (Hull Daily Mail July 28th, 2005), 25 % of Hull’s citizens have the reading ability of an average eleven-year-old and more than 60 per cent have problems with basic skills in numeracy. Thus, the conference is expected to play a significant role in highlighting these regional issues along with the initiatives of the Hull City Council, which is committed to a major programme of regeneration.

The EU Presidency

The gathering has another important part to play in the UK EU Education Presidency and is endorsed by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). The funding from the European Commission has enabled the British Council to bring together the key players who have valuable experience to share.

Commenting upon the significant aspects of the meeting, Dermot George of the British Council said: “This conference is an exciting opportunity for adult learners from across Europe to celebrate their achievements and look to the future. Adult learning is at the heart of transforming Europe and making it both a competitive and cohesive contributor to the globalised knowledge economy. It addresses issues that are central to the thrust of the UK Presidency of the EU.”

Aakriti Kaushik, International Education Correspondent

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