From education to employment

CEL Announces Fast-Track Programme to Senior Management in Learning and Skills Sector.

The Centre for Excellence in Leadership (CEL) has announced a new fast-track programme for talented middle-management staff in the learning and skills sector. Routes to Success will provide tailored training and support to individuals who aspire to senior-management positions.

“Routes to Success represents a major step forward in our Building Future Talent strategy”, says Conrad Benefield of the CEL. “The CEL has a role in making the tools available to help providers to identify and develop talented people from all backgrounds and support and encourage individuals to take up these opportunities and aim higher.”

Leadership Potential Gets CEL Resources

Programme participants will be selected through an online assessment of their leadership skills and potential. This initial selection phase will be backed up by further personal profiling and assessment processes.

Successful candidates will continue in their roles while on the programme, and will have specific opportunities to apply and share their learning in the workplace. The scheme will utilise a range of CEL resources and services, and will include a Personal Development Plan for each participant.

Individuals wishing to register their interest in Routes to Success can do so via the CEL website. Full details of the programme and application process will be released in September.

Joe Paget

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