From education to employment

LA collaboration key to NEET success, finds Ofsted

Local authorities play a key role in reducing the number of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET), finds a report published today by Ofsted.

Although the national proportion of young NEETs continues to rise, Ofsted identified a number of strategies that are reaching those hardest to help and getting them into work or learning.

Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Christine Gilbert, says: “There is no typical young person who is NEET. Many social and personal reasons may lead to someone finding themselves in this situation, but this report is clear in showing what can be done to help young people with even the most complex needs into education, employment and training.”

The most effective local authorities work closely with a range of partners, fine tuning programmes to the circumstances and needs of young people.

They work in close collaboration with voluntary and community groups, setting up activities such as CV workshops and facilitating work-placements.

Such initiatives were found to be successful in opening doors for young people to then gain qualifications or a job. Ofsted also highlighted the crucial role of inspirational advisers, teachers and tutors, who are able to challenge and motivate young people to make the most of these opportunities.

Staff and mentors able to draw upon difficult moments in their own life were found to be particularly successful in building strong rapport and understanding with learners. Through sharing difficult memories, such as experiences of racism and drug abuse, young people can be encouraged to see the benefits of a commitment to training and education.

Jason Rainbow

(Pictured: Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Christine Gilbert)

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