Language Studies Bridge Gap to New World Order
Colleges in the south east of England are preparing their students for the emergence of the world’s next superpower, according to the Association of South East Colleges (AOSEC).
And in stark recognition of the language factor, hitherto unnoticed by all doom mongers prophesising about a Chinese-dominated world, south east colleges have long appreciated the need to evolve to meet the inevitability of what they herald as “the new world order”.
For example, Alton College offers tuition by native teachers in the Chinese language of Mandarin, much to the applause of its students, who can enrol from age 14 upwards. East Berkshire College is similarly launching its own Chinese course for businessmen.
Yet the region’s training and education programmes are not restricted to non-Chinese; Highbury College in Portsmouth has reported to have done exceptionally well in recruiting Chinese students to English Language and Foundation degree courses, while City College Brighton and Hove has been recruiting such students for many years.
“For many Chinese students, attending a college in the UK means more than just learning a language”, explains CCB & H Principal Ann Smith. “They also acquire a network of friends and support ““ and this means many obtain much better jobs than would otherwise be the case”.
“Their attitude to learning is exemplary, as is their dedication”.
Vijay Pattni.