LSIS STAR Awards honour further education’s unsung heroes

Further education’s unsung heroes have been honoured at regional celebration events for the LSIS STAR Awards.
The STAR award nominees, their guests and local students all gathered in different regions across the UK to celebrate their hard work and dedication. Each event was hosted by a local media personality who commended and presented the nominees with their certificate.
William Lewis, the LSIS Excellence and Innovation Programme Director, said: "It was terrific to hear why these unsung heroes of the further education sector have been nominated for one of the Learning and Skills Improvement Service STAR awards. They are clearly making a huge difference to the lives of individual people and I am delighted they are getting the recognition they so richly deserve."
The STAR awards, now in their fifth year, play an important role in celebrating the achievement of the sector and sharing practice. This year, the LSIS received the highest number and standards of nominations. The members of staff who were nominated were of both senior and junior roles and all came from a different variety of further education providers such as the prison service, local community centres, colleges and other associations.
Kate Wilkinson, from Barnsley Neighbourhood Learning Net, attended the Northern event, and has been short-listed in the ‘response to learners’ needs’ category.
Ms Wilkinson said: "As well as this being a privilege and honour to be here as a STAR award winner, all the people I have spoken to have been most helpful, obliging and informative – it’s a day to remember."
All of the nominees who have been short-listed will attend a glittering awards ceremony on Monday 24th November to find out if they leave as winners of the STAR awards.
Rahila Khan