From education to employment

Ministerial Pledge for New Council’s Role

Minister Bill Rammell has pledged that a new skills council called Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) will play an essential role in raising skills levels among young people and adults to help them to achieve their full potential.

The Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education minister spoke at an official launch at the House of Commons on the 15 June, describing the new sector skills council as a crucial partner in delivering a package of government initiatives to boost opportunities for education and training among learners of all ages.

“By bringing together many organisations and over a million multi-talented people in the new sector skills council, it will help to deliver the skills strategy, together with reforms to 14-19 education and teacher training improvements in the learning and skills sector,” said Mr. Rammell.

A Strong and Diverse Workforce

With the help of a strong and diverse workforce, the LLUK will have the vision to put their ideas into practice to help secure the right skills for the economy and close skills gaps in the years ahead. The council will also enable colleagues, universities and other learning providers to offer employers the training they want and is one of 23 sector skills councils in the Skills for Business network of employers, whose prime goal is to reduce skills shortages and to increase more opportunities for learning through out the economy.

John Hedger, the organisation’s chairman, stated that LLUK would raise skills levels among all learning professionals, as well as support employers across the UK who heavily rely on providers to develop certain skills among staff.

“It is right that employers in the lifelong learning sector should have their won voice in the Skills for Business network as they have an important part to play in economic development and social progress across the UK,” he said.

LLUK represents employers in further and higher education, work-based learning, community learning and development and libraries, archives and information services.

At least 200 representatives from Lifelong Learning employers and organisations attended the launch in the House of Commons and further launches are expected to take place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland later this year.

Kavita Trivedi

Welcome the new council in the FE Blog

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