National Training Awards 2006 to Recognise Training Successes
UK Skills has called on organisations that have recorded success in education or business training to enter the 2006 edition of the National Training Awards (NTA).
Introduced 20 years ago, the annual awards accord recognition to and celebrate organisations and people who create success through training and personal development. UK Skills, an independent organisation which champions vocational and skills and learning for work, runs the award for the Department for Education and Skills (DfES). It makes available to entrants such support services as free telephone mentoring and half-day workshops, which are held through out the UK. However, it says entrants in Northern Ireland are charged a small fee for support services.
Why the NTA is Leading Award
Explaining why the NTA is regarded as the UK’s premier training award, UK Skills Chief Executive Dr Graeme Hall said it is because the entry process provides entrants with a valuable benchmarking tool. “Every year”, Dr Hall says, “winners tell us how much they have gained from the process of entering the awards.”
Previous year’s winners include Bournemouth University, Sir George Monoux College Walthamstow and St George’s Primary School in the Wirral. Others are BP Chemicals with Hull College and Cardiff University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning in Partnership with the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) Wales. “They appreciate the free support and business mentoring they receive from consultants, while completing their application allows them to evaluate what lasting impact their training has had,” he says.
He further explains that winners are given public recognition for their success, and that their investment in training benefits the UK economy and people. “By raising people’s skill levels, individuals and organisations can better meet their potential and that has flow-on effects which benefit communities and the UK economy as a whole.”He stresses that even those who missed out on previous years” awards still talk about the benefits they enjoyed and look forward to participating in the next awards.
Honouring Individuals and Organisations
Entries are open to any individual or organisation and close on 28 April 2006. Charities, individuals, multi-national companies, volunteers and the self-employed are among past entrants. The awards promote the achievements of such winners, as well as finalists, at national levels and others are encouraged to make similar contributions, with the hope of being marked for national honours. This provides the room for people to aim high and, perhaps selflessly, work towards inscribing their names in gold, as they create success. And the NTAs celebrate not only the individuals, but also the success they create.
UK Skills, through the National Training Awards, honours individuals and organisations that have successfully contributed to training and personal development. It, by implication, seeks to encourage effective training that will lead to self actualisation in individuals, and help organisations to sufficiently utilise human and material resources for the development of the UK economy. The chief aim, of course, is to make it play a leading role in the global economy.
Interested persons and organisations are advised to call 0800 917 7337 or, to visit them online, click here for more information.
Odamah Aliyu Musa
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