From education to employment

Somerset’s Finest Apprentices Scoop Awards

Four young apprentices from Somerset have been honoured at the local Apprentice of the Year Competition. The awards, organised by the Engineering Employers Federation (EEF), were presented to Andrew Walsh and Ben Broadey training at Bridgwater College and Ashley Jones and Alex Hansford training at Yeovil College.

The proud winners were presented with a certificate and a cheque by Margaret Luck OBE of the Somerset Learning and Skills Council (LSC). The four will also go on to the regional finals of the Apprentice of the Year Awards on 8th December.

Apprentices Vital for Local Success

The competition forms part of the Somerset Learning and Skills Council’s local training initiative, Marinos Paphitis explained, saying: “Apprentices are vital to the future economic success of this country. Apprenticeships have long been recognised as providing the backbone of skills training through the provision of high quality learning that industry needs today.

“We are delighted to support this competition,” continued Marinos, “which demonstrates the industrial and education sectors” continuing commitment to lifelong learning and the promotion of Advanced Apprenticeships.”

Dan Atkinson

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