‘Day of Data’ enhances Border College’s commitment to developing digital skills training

@BordersCollege recently welcomed Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) to the Scottish Borders Campus, who delivered a number of informative sessions on Data Science through the Data Education for Colleges project.
The ‘Day of Data’ workshops saw students take part in sessions such as Data Selfies, which showed them how machine learning algorithms use data to gain insights into someone’s personality.
They also looked at using the internet safely, gathering data, and using various programs developed to enhance their digital learning experience.
The College recognises the importance of developing these skills and has embedded Data Science into its core curriculum. It is being taught to over 170 full-time students across a range of subjects.
The Data Education for Colleges strand of the DDI Skills Gateway Project is part of the Edinburgh and City Region Deal Skills Programme funded by the Scottish Government. It involves Borders, Edinburgh, Fife and West Lothian Colleges working collaboratively.
Within the colleges, there is a significant focus on improving and enhancing learning opportunities involving data science for all current learners at all levels, whether full or part-time and Borders College are committed to helping develop a future workforce that is fit for purpose.
The digital technology revolution has put data at the centre of activity. Data science is increasingly important for economic growth, social change and public services, and it is estimated that 90% of jobs already require digital skills.
Borders College Vice Principal Heather Anderson commented:
“The importance of analysing data to make good decisions has been very apparent during the recent pandemic. The need to plan and organise within businesses is vital and using data correctly can enhance their opportunities. The students who attended the Day of data were from a range of subjects including Engineering, Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy and Cyber Security. They gave really positive feedback on the workshops which gave them an insight into how data is being used in a huge variety of careers.”