From education to employment

Enterprise Roadshow at Borders College

March has most certainly been an enterprising month at @BordersCollege. From panel discussions to enterprise marketplaces and workshops, our events were designed to inspire and engage students in all things enterprise. 

Most recently we were joined by Young Enterprise Scotland, South of Scotland Enterprise, Business Gateway and Princes Trust who spent a few hours chatting to students about the support they can offer to young people – which includes everything from building basic skills in entrepreneurship to providing start-up grants and mentoring support.

Young Enterprise Scotland’s ‘Bridge to Business’ team were also on hand to deliver a series of enterprise workshops to students.

If you think Bridge to Business could support the learning of students you teach, please get in touch and we can look to arrange some sessions for your class. Enterprise is not just for those looking to start a business – these engaging and interactive workshops enable students to build the essential skills needed to become work-ready.

Bridge to Business workshops:

  • Introduction to Enterprise
  • Idea Generation
  • Business Planning
  • Social Enterprise
  • Making Connections
  • Digital Skills for Work and Life
  • Marketing
  • Social Media and Analytics
  • Customers and Market Research
  • Finance
  • Running a Business
  • Pitching and Crowdfunding
  • Project Planning
  • Soft Skills
  • Productivity
  • Confidence Building

If you would like more information on enterprise opportunities for students, please contact [email protected]

Amy Brydon, Equality Diversity and Inclusion Officer

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