Examining the London advantage in attainment: evidence from LSYPE

Research into the London effect using data from the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE) 1 and 2.
Examining the London advantage in attainment: evidence from LSYPE
Ref: ISBN 978-1-83870-074-4, DFE- RR1070PDF, 1.43MB, 99 pages
The ‘London effect’ is the increased progress and attainment of pupils in London compared to the rest of England, particularly for disadvantaged pupils.
This report proposes advances in our understanding of the London effect as it examines a broader range of factors than previous studies.
This includes characteristics of the young person and:
- their family and peers
- their school
- the areas in which they lived
The evidence produced identifies those differences between young people within and outside of London.
Published 20 November 2020