Hopwood Hall College’s glitzy award ceremony celebrates brightest stars following Ofsted success

@HopwoodHall College and University Centre held its glitzy Students Awards 2023 – hot on the heels of being praised by Ofsted for making a strong contribution to meeting skills needs.
The annual event saw students and staff gathering on a gloriously sunny evening for the ceremony held at the Middleton Arena on Thursday.
Presented by Principal and CEO Julia Heap, as well as members of the college’s Senior Leadership Team, it celebrated the young people who had shined the brightest in the recent academic year.
This year marked the first ever T-Level Gold Star Award, which went to Design, Surveying and Planning student Kacie Bush.
Kacie, who attended Wardle Academy in Rochdale, was applauded for flourishing on her course and excelling on her industry placement with CR Construction UK.
Meanwhile, the coveted Gold Star Award went to Health and Social Care learner Gina Khan.
Gina, who attended North Chadderton School in Oldham, was praised for using her experience in care as her driving motivation to help others.
It was noted how during her course she’d empowered everyone around her and had managed to stand out from more than 100 applicants to secure a sought-after Social Work Apprenticeship.
Hundreds of people watched as the winners collected their trophies, certificates and prizes during the ceremony that was sponsored by Reed, CPL Group, Dovetail and Slate, and the Queen Elizabeth Foundation.
It was a true highlight reel for skills training and the many fantastic opportunities that can arise from it.
This comes after Hopwood Hall maintained its ‘Good’ rating during a recent Ofsted visit.
In addition, it was commended for ‘making a strong contribution to meeting skills needs’.
The report said: “Leaders have a comprehensive and well-informed understanding of local and regional skills needs.
“They align the curriculum extremely well to the key priorities of a wide variety of stakeholders in the locality and in the region.
“This ensures that learners and apprentices develop specific skills to move into employment.”
Julia Heap, Principal and CEO of Hopwood Hall College and University Centre, said:
“Our Student Awards 2023 saw us celebrating both our amazing students and the success of skills training at Hopwood Hall!
“We’re absolutely delighted to have been recognised by Ofsted for the strong contribution the college makes to meeting skills needs across the region – and you only have to look at our learners to see the impact that this is having.
“People of all ages are gaining the valuable skills needed to forge long and prosperous careers in many different sectors.
“Our entire college community has bright futures ahead of them, so it was our pleasure to hold this ceremony for those who had stood out from within a sea of stars.
“The world’s their oyster now – whether they’re going straight into employment, into a higher apprenticeship or Higher Education, including progressing to our own University Centre!”