Marine electrician

K1: Characteristics and features of the national and international marine industry and marine electrician’s role and placement within the industry, and who marine electricians interact with in order to perform their work operations. Back to Duty
K2: Effective communication techniques and methods, their role and features, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each when communicating with different customers and stakeholders (internal and external). Organisational processes and procedures regarding communication channels, methods and techniques, and how communications and their outcomes are recorded and documented. Back to Duty
K3: Uses of information technology in the marine industry and when performing marine electrical and electronic work operations. Marine electrical and electronic and other general marine terminology and their meanings. Back to Duty
K4: Different diagnostic and problem solving techniques and methods used to resolve marine electrical and electronic problems relevant to their area of responsibility. Back to Duty
K5: Sourcing of components, costing, pricing and budgeting principles and reporting discrepancies and quality issues. Back to Duty
K6: Organisational process and procedures for the design, planning and set up, and installation of marine electrical and electronic systems including assemblies and sub-assemblies. Back to Duty
K7: Relevant legislation, regulations, relevant industry guidance, and organisational policies, practices and procedures that direct health and safety and environmental sustainability at work and the importance of complying with control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH), the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), and work at height regulations and work on or near water requirements. The hazards and risks when undertaking marine electrical and electronic work operations and how these can be minimised. Personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be used when undertaking marine electrical and electronic work operations, the selection of the PPE and how to use the different PPE. How to deal with emergencies and responsibilities in responding to these within their own area of responsibility. Back to Duty
K8: Ways of ensuring quality of marine electrical and electronic processes and work products, including continuous business improvement techniques and how they are integrated into marine electrical and electronic work processes and procedures. Back to Duty
K9: The different sources of information and guidance that directs marine electrical and electronic work operations, typically including marine electrical drawings and technical specifications, where this information and guidance can be found and when and where it should be used. Back to Duty
K10: The mathematical techniques, formulae, and calculations that underpin marine electrical and electronic work. Back to Duty
K11: Range of tools, materials, equipment and components used when performing marine electrical and electronic operations, their characteristics, features and their safe use, movement and operation. Back to Duty
K12: Purpose and operation of different marine electrical and electronic equipment and systems and their characteristics and features. Back to Duty
K13: Vessel design and construction and complex shapes and the relationship between systems and efficient use of space. Back to Duty
K14: Principles, process, approved methods and techniques and organisational policy and procedures that need to be followed when undertaking different marine electrical and electronic work operations. Back to Duty
K15: Importance of accurate completion and maintenance of marine electrical and electronic information, documentation and the records and information that needs to be recorded and where, during different stages of marine electrical and electronic work operations. Back to Duty
K16: Importance of restoring the work area to a tidy and safe state on completion of marine electrical and electronic work operation and what this entails. Back to Duty
K17: Necessary checks, tests and diagnostics and inspections undertaken when performing different marine electrical and electronic work operations and how these are undertaken for the different types of marine electrical and electronic work operation. Back to Duty
K18: Operation principles of different electrical and electronic systems. Back to Duty
K19: Importance of isolation procedures for marine electrical and electronic operations. Ways of minimising electrostatic discharge. Back to Duty
K20: Basic operational principles of marine electrical and electronic equipment and components being serviced and their servicing requirements. Back to Duty
K21: Methods for checking that marine electrical and electronic components are fit for purpose and actions that need to be taken if they are not. Back to Duty
K22: Means of powering down and correctly operating locking out systems. Back to Duty
K23: How to check, test, and diagnose the condition of different marine electrical and electronic systems. Back to Duty
K24: Importance of customer service and effective customer service principles and techniques. Back to Duty
S1: Prepare for and contribute to meetings and hold discussions. Use appropriate communication and interpersonal techniques and marine terminology to aid effective interactions with colleagues, customers, contractors, suppliers and others, to achieve required marine electrical and electronic task outcomes. Back to Duty
S2: Make recommendations to customers and other interested parties to ensure optimal compliance and performance of marine electrical and electronic equipment and systems, that meet customer requirements. Apply appropriate customer service principles and techniques. Meet customer needs (internal and external) and deliver required customer service in accordance with organisational policy and processes when undertaking a marine electrical and electronic work role. Back to Duty
S3: Maintain the safety of self along with others by following safe systems of work when conducting marine electrical and electronic work operations. Identify and comply with all relevant legislation, regulations, codes of practice and other relevant information and guidance when planning and performing marine electrical and electronic work operations. Back to Duty
S4: Consider sustainability and environmental impacts and apply environmental best practice when planning and performing marine electrical and electronic work operations. Back to Duty
S5: Follow approved industry guidance and techniques, and operational work methods, practices, processes, principles, and procedures when undertaking the different marine electrical and electronic work operations, within required time frames. Back to Duty
S6: Select, use, maintain, and store appropriate resources safely and correctly (tools, equipment, machinery and consumables). Back to Duty
S7: Design, plan and set up to produce and install marine electrical and electronic systems including assemblies and sub-assemblies from marine electrical engineering drawings, electrical formulae and technical specifications in the correct manner (This will typically include design of electrical panels, power distribution requirements and best use of available space), ensuring the necessary resources are selected. Back to Duty
S8: Follow quality improvement principles, techniques, and methods and identify any areas for improvement. Back to Duty
S9: Use various wiring support mechanisms and systems to route and secure cables in accordance with regulations and best practice and install cables using appropriate segregation and separation methods, in accordance with required specifications in relation to positioning bulkhead penetration. Back to Duty
S10: Conduct required tests and checks when performing work operations on different marine electrical and electronic systems. Back to Duty
S11: Restore work area to a safe and tidy condition in accordance with organisational policy and procedures. Back to Duty
S12: Complete relevant records and documentation relevant to marine electrical and electronic systems, in accordance with organisational documentation and any other relevant information and guidance. Back to Duty
S13: Install, position and secure marine electrical and electronic equipment and components (propulsion, navigational, safety, domestic, operational, generation, communication, audio visual and IT, protection and ancillary systems) in accordance with design specification and following all required steps and checks for the approved work operation process and operational standards. Back to Duty
S14: Support commission and system tests in accordance with the manufacturer’s design specification, company best practice and processes and perform basic crew roles. Back to Duty
S15: Check, test, and diagnose marine electrical and electronic equipment and components in boats to company and marine standards, using appropriate company and marine standards and other relevant documentation. Back to Duty
S16: Power down, remove, repair and reuse or replace electrical and electronic equipment, circuits and cables. Lockout and tagout electrical and electronic equipment, circuits and cables. Back to Duty
S17: Dispose of waste materials, in accordance with safe working and environmental practices and approved procedures. Back to Duty
S18: Carry out required modifications and rewiring using approved materials and techniques, adhering to required specifications and instructions. Back to Duty
S19: Fit required new marine electrical and electronic equipment adhering to best practice. Back to Duty
S20: Perform routine servicing in the specified sequence using appropriate techniques and procedures. Back to Duty
S21: Deal with any problems that may present themselves within their own area of responsibility. Back to Duty
S22: Check, test, and diagnose battery condition and alternating current (ac) power systems and record results. Back to Duty
B1: Embrace a safety culture and situational awareness including being hazard and risk aware when working on and near water and when working aloft or at height. Challenge any unsafe practices. Back to Duty
B2: Embrace an environmentally sustainable working culture, taking responsibility for the appropriate use of resources and own actions. Back to Duty
B3: Demonstrate commitment to quality, commercial awareness and continuous improvement. Back to Duty
B4: Focus on the requirements of the customer (internal and external), seeking to provide outstanding customer service, meeting customer requirements. Back to Duty
B5: Work individually and as part of a team, communicating effectively at different levels to achieve positive work results. Back to Duty
B6: Consistently treat everyone with respect and courtesy, valuing diversity. Back to Duty
B7: Motivated, meticulous, proactive and adaptable, with a focus on continuous personal development. Back to Duty
B8: Manage own time efficiently to complete work operations within the confines of job responsibility, and effectively schedule and manage stakeholder expectations. Back to Duty