16 to 19 funding: planned hours in study programmes

ESFA today (15 Nov) updated their guidance which provides the latest information on planned hours to assist funded institutions plan study programmes across the individual academic years. (For funding purposes this means from 1 August to 31 July each year).
All 16 to 19 year old students are funded for an individual study programme. Most study programmes have a core aim.
The study programme must be tailored to each student, have clear study and/or employment goals reflecting the student’s prior attainment, and include
- substantial qualifications or work experience
- maths and English for students who have not achieved grade A*-C/9 to 4 GCSE in these subjects
- high quality work experience or work preparation
- added value non-qualification activity that supports the students’ goals and is integrated into the study programme
AoC Study Programme Central
The AoC study programme central website has a range of useful information on study programmes for institutions