From education to employment


 ALT’S LEARNING TECHNOLOGIST OF THE YEAR AWARD – closing date 21 May 2009Up to 6 prizes to be awarded Entries for the 2009 Learning Technologist of the Year award are now open.  This is the third year that the Association for Learning Technology ( has run the awards, which celebrate and reward excellent practice and outstanding  achievement in the learning technology field – the broad range of communication, information and related technologies that can be used to support learning, teaching, and assessment. The Award will be presented at ALT’s annual conference, ALT-C, during the Wednesday Gala dinner on 9 September. This year ALT-C will be held at Manchester, 8 – 10 September 2009.  The conference has grown dramatically in popularity over the past three years with over 700 delegates attending the 2008 event. The deadline for entries is 21 May 2009. Interviews of short-listed entrants will take place on 30 June 2009. The Award is open to all individual members of ALT, and to individuals and teams based in ALT member organisations worldwide. Seb Schmoller, Chief Executive of ALT comments, “This is the third year of the award. Learning technologists are at the heart of modern learning, but are often in behind-the-scenes roles, with low visibility inside and outside their organisation. The ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award helps to remedy this, with winners gaining national recognition for their work as an individual or team, as well as a worthwhile cash prize.”First, second and third prizes will be awarded in each of two categories – individual and team: 1st prize £1000; 2nd prize £600; 3rd prize £300. The award will be judged by a panel chaired by Cathy Ellis of Becta, who is this year’s President of ALT; Bob Banks of Tribal; Donald Clark, a Ufi board member; Josie Fraser (who won the 2008 individual award); and Rich Ranker of Lancaster University (whose team won the 2008 team award).Application deadline for the 2009 Learning Technologist of the Year award: 21 May 2009 To join ALT, visit:– ends –Notes to editors:ALT (the Association for Learning Technology) is a professional and scholarly association which brings together all those with an interest in the use of learning technology. There are over 200 organisational members from higher and further education institutions, private and public sector organisations and well over 500 individual members. Sponsoring members include Becta, HEFCE, Microsoft, the Scottish Funding Council, Adobe, and the Learning and Skills Council. ALT organises a yearly high profile conference – ALT-C, the 2009 ALT-C conference will focus on “In dreams begins responsibility” – choice, evidence, and change, and will take place at the University of Manchester, UK from 8-10 September 2009.   Association for Learning Technology, Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford, OX3 0BP
Tel: +44 (0)1865 484 125    Fax: +44 (0)1865 484 165   Email: [email protected]     
ALT is a Registered Charity in the UK, number: 1063519
 For media information, journalist places at the conference or high res images, please contact:Catherine Dhanjal, TheAnswer Ltd Tel: 01883 650434 or 0794 166 9925Email: [email protected]

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