Application Form Job Search Advice

Why the application form is important to colleges when recruiting staff.
Sharron Probert, Director at OnlyFE shares some job search tips on Application forms and why they are important to colleges when recruiting staff:
“But you have my CV, why do I need to complete an application form?”
I hear this question a lot!
If you haven’t previously worked within Further Education you will be thinking, “This will take ages. You already have all my information”.
But there is a good reason it works in your favour. Colleges work to strict Equality and Diversity guidelines, they want and need to review all applications in the same uniformed way, and require specific answers to a range of questions that a traditional CV simply does not address.
The Application Form allows you to really focus on your skills and experiences and through the “Supporting Statement Section” an excellent opportunity to really demonstrate what you can bring to the role, and why you are the right candidate.
So don’t view the application form with dread, grab a coffee, stick some music on, and get on with it, see it as the first step into a new and rewarding career.
Sharron Probert, Director, OnlyFE