Appskil to upskill Mobile App Developers

South Eastern Regional College in partnership with South West College held a two day training programme for teachers and IT professionals from the UK, Belgium, Italy and Spain as part of the Appskil project. Through the project the consortium have been developing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) aimed at mobile app developers and ICT employees that need up-skilling to respond to the needs of the fast growing mobile app sector. The course is also available to trainers who want to integrate modules into existing training programmes. Appskil is funded by Erasmus+ which is supported by the European Commission.
Most mobile apps developers have up-to-date software development skills and technical excellence. However, many of them lack advanced design skills to make the mobile app attractive and easy to use, as well as managerial and customer oriented skills. Thousands of mobile apps fail each year due to difficulties faced by developers to create a friendly user interface, apply iterative usability testing and integrate experience-centric details, or to plan the implementation of a project and produce a business plan. Appskil therefore aims to support the upskilling of staff to cope with the full range of the issues involved in the commercially successful creation of mobile apps.
An online training programme will be held in March and April to reach further participants across Europe.
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