Cambridge Regional College business apprentice embraces lockdown experience

Having completed a degree in Travel and Tourism, Joshua Obisanya secured a position as Business Apprentice with Cambridge Regional College (@CRC_College), to gain industry experience and equip himself with an additional qualification to open up further opportunities as he moved forward with his career.
Despite the challenges of completing an apprenticeship during the pandemic, Josh was able to complete his Level 2, gaining the experience he had been looking for while developing the skills, knowledge and resilience to deal with change.
Joshua said, “The knowledge and skills I gained during my time on the apprenticeship allowed me to carry out set tasks with a good understanding of why it was needed. This helped me to become a reliable member of the team, as my increasing confidence meant that I could offer the team support as it was required.”
When asked to reflect on his time at CRC, Josh added, “I liked the support that I was given at CRC the most. I found that the people I was working with were friendly and keen to help me progress. This made it easier to carry out tasks and feel comfortable in my role. The apprenticeship helped me to understand my own role within the wider context of the organisation and the positive contribution I was able to make as part of the team.”
Joshua has since gone on to secure a Level 3 apprenticeship in Marketing with another provider and in part, attributes his success in securing this role to the knowledge and experience gained on his Business Administration apprenticeship with CRC.
Josh concluded, “My advice to anyone starting a course with CRC, is to work hard and set yourself high standards, as this will help you to reach your goals. Set yourself targets and be patient; you will get to where you want to be.