Women teachers expressed concern about their safety inside and outside of work during an online conference held by the NASUWT – The Teachers’ Union today (@PatrickR_NASUWT).
Delegates discussed the increasing problem of sexual harassment and violence against women at the Union’s Women Teachers’ Consultation Conference.
A real-time poll of delegates at the Conference found:
- One in ten said they feel “not safe” at work or “concerned and anxious about my safety at work”.
- Half (49%) said they are not aware of any policies or processes in their workplaces to address the problem of increasing sexual harassment and violence in schools.
- One-fifth (20%) said they feel “not safe” outside of work or “concerned and anxious about my safety outside of work”.
Dr Patrick Roach, General Secretary of the NASUWT, said:
“This data confirms a growing body of evidence that sexual harassment and violence against women is increasing – both in schools and colleges and in wider society.
“In the last few days, we’ve heard warm words from the Government on the issue of violence against women and girls.
“But warm words provide cold comfort to women who live daily with the reality and the threat of sexual violence in their homes, in their workplaces, in their schools and in their communities.
“We demand more than a show of sympathy and that is why we are calling on the Government to ratify the ILO Convention 190 on Eliminating Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.
“We don’t want more warm words from the Government. Teachers want action to end violence against women.”