Borders College leads on Regional #STEM Hub

The Scottish Government has recently established a National STEM Hub Steering Group, with a network of regional STEM hubs situated throughout the Country.
Borders College is the lead organisation for the Borders Regional STEM Hub, which includes a number of partners:
- Developing the Young Workforce Industry Group
• Edinburgh Napier University
• Education Scotland
• Heriot-Watt University
• Live Borders
• NHS Borders
• Queen Margaret University
• Scottish Borders Council
• Skills Development Scotland
• Scottish Science Education Research Council
• University of Edinburgh
One of the ambitions of the Borders Regional STEM Hub members is to raise the profile of STEM with young people, families, communities and adult learners.
They will also provide a coherent range of activities and programmes to build engagement in STEM and STEM skills within the Borders region, and will increase collaboration between Scottish Borders schools, Borders College, universities and employers.
Scotland’s population will need to develop STEM skills for daily life and across all jobs and careers. There is also a need for specialist STEM skills for the growing STEM sectors within the Scottish economy, and, at a recent Regional meeting, the College launched The Borders Regional STEM Strategy which was produced collaboratively with their partners.
Borders College Vice Principal Heather Anderson commented:
“Creating the Regional STEM Strategy and associated Action Plan has enabled the group to focus on the four key themes: Excellence, Equity, Inspiration and Connectivity. All the partners involved in the STEM Hub are committed to increasing access to STEM related activities and developing the future pipeline for learners of all ages. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths but the knowledge and skills relating to STEM are vitally important across every subject area. Members of the STEM Hub will monitor our progress against the action plan and will instigate new collaborations to maximise the opportunities available.”