Consultations on draft outline content

The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education is seeking views on proposed outline content for Catering and Hospitality T Level pathway in Professional Catering.
T Levels are new courses coming in September 2020, which will follow GCSEs and will be equivalent to three A Levels. They will combine classroom theory, practical learning and a 3-month industry placement with an employer to make sure students have real experience of the workplace.
The Post-16 Skills Plan sets out the Government’s vision to reform technical education by creating a technical education option that prepares individuals for skilled employment by developing the technical knowledge and skills needed by employers and industry.
Draft outline content has been developed for Technical Qualifications to be included in T Levels in:
We are seeking your views to help ensure that the outline content captures the right knowledge, skills and performance outcomes that will enable students to enter employment within their chosen occupational specialisms. Our Route Panels of employer experts will consider your views when scrutinising the outline content documents.
Please provide your consultation responses through the links below:
The Professional Catering consultation will be open until midnight on 11 November 2019.