Cyber security technical professional (degree)

Reference Number: ST0409
Details of standard
Role Profile: A cyber security technical professional operates in business or technology / engineering functions across a range of sectors of the economy including critical national infrastructure (such as energy, transport, water, finance), public and private, large and small. They will normally operate with a considerable degree of autonomy and will lead teams which research, analyse, model, assess and manage cyber security risks; design, develop, justify, manage and operate secure solutions; and detect and respond to incidents. They work in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, standards and ethics.
Typical Job Roles: Cyber Risk Manager; Cyber Risk Analyst; Cyber Research Analyst; Cyber Incident Manager; Cyber Security Engineer; Cyber Security Design Engineer.
Entry Requirements: individual employers will set the selection criteria, but this is likely to include three ‘A’ levels, including maths, or other relevant qualifications or experience.
A cyber security technical professional has the competencies, knowledge and underpinning skills attitudes and behaviours below.
Technical Competencies |
Technical Knowledge and Understanding |
1: N/A |
Foundations of cyber security, its significance, concepts, threats, vulnerabilities and assurance. |
2: Design, build, configure, optimise, test and troubleshoot simple and complex networks. |
Network foundations, connections, internetworking, protocols, standards, performance, security and server virtualisation. |
3: Apply statistical techniques to large data sets. Identify vulnerabilities in big data architectures and deployment. |
Information management, big data concepts, statistical techniques, database concepts and data quality. |
4: Build test and debug a digital system to a specification. |
Computer architecture, digital logic, machine level representation of data. |
5: Configure an Operating System in accordance with security policy. Identify threats and features. |
Operating System principles, architectures, features, mechanisms, security features and exploits. |
6: Write, test, debug programs in high and low level languages and scripts. |
Algorithm and program design, concepts, compilers and logic. Programming languages. |
7: Design, implement and analyse algorithms. |
Algorithms, complexity and discrete maths. |
8: Construct software to interact with the real world and analyse for security exploits. |
How software interacts with the hardware and real world environment and security issues. |
9: Analyse malware & identify its mechanisms. |
Malware, reverse engineering, obfuscation. |
10: Apply secure programming principles and design patterns to address security issues. |
Defensive programming, malware resistance, code analysis, formal methods, good practice. |
11: Apply system engineering and software development methodologies and models. |
System development principles, tools, approaches, complexity, software engineering. |
12: Discover, identify and analyse threats, attack techniques, vulnerabilities and mitigations. |
Threats, vulnerabilities, impacts and mitigations in ICT systems and the enterprise environment. |
13: Assess culture & individual responsibilities. |
Human dimensions of cyber security. |
14: Undertake ethical system reconnaissance and intelligence analysis. |
Structured and ethical intelligence analysis, methods, techniques. |
15: Undertake risk modelling, analysis and trades. |
Management of cyber security risk, tools and techniques. |
16: Undertake risk assessment to an external standard. |
Quantitative & qualitative risk management theory & practice, role of risk stakeholders. |
17: Apply a management system and develop an information security management plan. |
Concepts & benefits of security management systems, governance & international standards. |
18: Configure and use security technology components and key management. |
Security components: how they are used for security / business benefit. Crypto & key management. |
19: Design & evaluate a system to a security case. |
How to compose a justified security case. |
20: Architect, analyse & justify a secure system. |
Understand security assurance, how to achieve it and how to apply security principles |
21: Develop an assurance strategy. |
Assurance concepts & approaches. |
22: Security monitoring, analysis and intrusion detection. Recognise anomalies & behaviours. |
How to diagnose cause from observables. Application of SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools & techniques. |
23: Manage intrusion response, including with 3rd parties. |
Cyber incident response, management, escalation, investigation & 3rd party involvement. |
24: N/A |
Legal, regulatory, compliance & standards environment. |
25: Organise testing & investigation work in accordance with legal & ethical requirements. |
Applicability of laws regulations & ethical standards. |
26: Develop & apply information security policy to implement legal or regulatory requirements. |
Legal responsibilities of system owners, users, employers, employees. |
Underpinning professional, interpersonal and business skills
Qualifications: BSC (Hons) Cyber Security Technical Professional Degree. Apprentices without Level 2 English and maths must achieve this prior to taking the end-point assessment.
Professional Recognition: recognised for entry to Institute of Information Security Professionals membership at Associate level.
Duration: the duration of this apprenticeship is typically 48 months.
Level: this is a Level 6 apprenticeship.
Review Date: this standard will be reviewed three years from the publication date.
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