From education to employment

Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College selects Computer Aid for WEEE compliant IT disposal

College donates 86 PCs to Environment Agency-approved charity

Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College (EHWLC) has donated 86 PCs to Computer Aid International to ensure compliance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive through the charity’s professional decommissioning service. The PCs donated by EHWLC will be fully refurbished by Computer Aid and used to provide at least four years of educational use by orphans in Zambia.

Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College (EHWLC) has donated 86 PCs to Computer Aid International to ensure compliance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive through the charity’s professional decommissioning service. The PCs donated by EHWLC will be fully refurbished by Computer Aid and used to provide at least four years of educational use by orphans in Zambia.


Following the introduction of the WEEE directive in 2007, EHWLC, which has a three year IT equipment refreshment cycle, needed to ensure all out-of-use equipment was disposed of in accordance with the legal regulations.  By donating to Computer Aid – an Environment Agency Authorised Approved Treatment Facility – EHWLC is ensuring its equipment disposal is environmentally responsible, while maximising the life of its unwanted equipment.


Richard de St Croix, IT Operations Manager at EHWLC, explains why Computer Aid International proved to be better than commercial alternatives:


We initially trialled two commercial disposal companies but the process was complicated, time-consuming and cumbersome. Talking to Computer Aid was a breath of fresh air. The charity clearly explained our obligations under the WEEE directive and how they would fulfil these on our behalf, and offered a cost-effective and ethical way to dispose of our IT equipment. It was a relief to sign legal obligation over to professionals who could guarantee compliance and provide us with the right documentation, and as a public sector organisation we were very pleased to work with an NGO and help disadvantaged children.


Computer Aid’s professional asset disposal, compliance with WEEE legislation and stringent data wiping services are available to all UK donors.  Using Blancco’s industry leading deletion system as part of their free PC decommissioning service, Computer Aid can guarantee 100 per cent data removal from any hard disk, meeting all recognised international data destruction standards.  When equipment cannot be re-used, it is processed in state-of-the art recycling facilities, with 0% going to landfill.


Computer Aid works closely with a number of Further Education establishments and understands the problems and confusion that disposing of IT equipment can cause, which is why we are committed to making the donation process as straightforward as possible, ” said Louise Richards, CEO, Computer Aid International. “The provision of IT equipment in the developing world is vital to accelerate our progress towards the UN Millennium Development Goals and it is through donations from organisations and education establishments such as EHWLC that we can continue to support a variety of education, health and poverty-reduction projects.”


To find out more about donating equipment to Computer Aid International, please contact the charity directly on 020 8361 5540, email [email protected], or visit:


About Computer Aid International (

Computer Aid International is a registered charity (no 1069256) and the world’s largest and most experienced not-for-profit supplier of professionally refurbished computers to developing countries.

Since it was founded in 1998, Computer Aid has provided over 125,000 PCs to organisations in more than 100 developing countries. Based in London, Computer Aid International fully tests, professionally refurbishes, upgrades, packs and ships Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 computers donated by UK companies for re-use in schools and not-for-profit organisations overseas.

Computer Aid International is committed to providing the highest level decommissioning service to its UK computer donors and to delivering the highest quality refurbished computers to recipient organisations overseas. PC donors in the UK include British Airways, Ford, Virgin, Investec, the National Audit Office, Royal Mint, Packard Bell and Christian Aid. PC distribution in developing countries is achieved through strategic partnerships with partners such as SchoolNet Africa, British Council, UN-Habitat, and the national Computers for Schools programmes of Chile, Kenya, Zambia and other countries.


About Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College (

Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College is a QIA Beacon status college and is based across four sites in west London and in the community. It is financially sound.


In September 2008, we will offer the new Diplomas in ICT, Construction and Media.


Also, in September 2008, we will be opening the doors to the first ever Bollywood Acting School under the name: Actor Prepares UK and Europe. The school is a partnership between Actor Prepares Mumbai, set up by Bollywood actor Anupam Kher, Heathrow City Partnership and the Ealing Institute of Media at Ealing, Hammersmith & West London.


In April 2008, the EHWLC was the first college to ever win a Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade.


In May 2007, we were awarded Beacon College status by the Government’s Quality Improvement Agency thanks to our “innovation and excellence”.


The College was inspected by OFSTED / ALI in November 2006 and received a ‘good’ grade – it’s best ever. 94 out of 100 areas were judged to be outstanding or good. Our ESOL and Science & Maths departments and our Leadership & Management were judged to be ‘outstanding’.


We have Centres of Vocational Excellence in Broadcast Media and Animations and Construction Crafts: Wood and Plastering Trades. 



Students: 18,000

A Level pass rate 2007: 95%

BND pass rate 2007: 96%


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