ESFA weekly round-up – Issue 359

Education & Skills Funding Agency’s weekly round-up of business-critical information to ESFA-funded colleges, other training organisations and direct grant employers. (21 June 2017)
1. Exceptional learning support claims for 2017 to 2018
You must submit an estimated cost for learners who require exceptional learning support (ELS) in 2017 to 2018 for approval. The 2017 to 2018 form is available on GOV.UK and must be sent to exceptional learning support claims.
For further information on claiming ELS please refer to the funding rules 2017 to 2018, the ELS page on GOV.UK.
2. Advanced learner loans funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018
This week ESFA will publish version 2 of the advanced learner loans funding and performance management rules 2017 to 2018.
The main change from version 1, published in March 2017, is the inclusion and revision of the performance management rules.
The rules apply to all providers of education and training holding loan facility conditions and loans bursary fund agreements with the ESFA.
They will be holding 3 webinars during July to support the publication and highlight good practice.
Date | Time |
4 July | 14:00 – 15:30 |
5 July | 10:30 – 12:00 |
6 July | 10:30 – 12:00 |
Please email advanced learner loans to book your place.
3. Financial assurance 2016 to 2017: monitoring the funding rules
ESFA have updated the following documents to include apprenticeships starts from 1 May 2017 where appropriate:
- funding rules monitoring plan for the funding year 2016 to 2017
- funding monitoring reports user guide
The suite of reports has been updated to include R10 individualised learner record (ILR) data. You must review this data to determine whether you need to make any data corrections in your next ILR submission as specified in the guidance. Where the data is correct, you must ensure that you, or your subcontractors have the evidence to justify the funding claimed.
For further information, please contact your business operations provider manager.
4. Removing redundant roles in the Identity and Access Management Service (IdAMS)
Some roles will be removed for the Skills Funding Service (SFS) in Idams on Thursday 22 June 2017.
The roles are no longer needed and may cause confusion for users.
Once they are removed, you will not be able to select them and if you already have them it won’t affect your access to SFS.
If you have any questions, please contact the ESFA service desk.
Action: maths and English condition of funding questionnaire
ESFA have published an online questionnaire to gain a better understanding of the main issues and barriers facing 16 to 18 institutions and providers in meeting the maths and English condition of funding.
They are asking 16 to 18 institutions and providers that had students that did not meet the maths and English condition of funding in the 2015 to 2016 academic year, to complete the questionnaire no later than Friday 14 July 2017.
More information about this questionnaire is available on GOV.UK.