ESFA weekly round-up – Issue 366

Education & Skills Funding Agency’s weekly round-up of business-critical information to ESFA-funded colleges, other training organisations and direct grant employers. (9 Aug 2017)
1. National Apprenticeship Awards 2017 – regional finalists announced
ESFA have announced the employers and individuals competing for awards in 10 categories in the regional stage of the National Apprenticeship Awards 2017 – having beaten off competition from almost 800 entries.
The 2017 awards, run by the National Apprenticeship Service and now in their 14th year, recognise employers and apprentices from across England. The awards recognise excellent businesses that grow their own talent with apprenticeships and apprentices, who have made a significant contribution to their workplaces.
Find out more by visiting GOV.UK.
2. Becoming an end-point assessor for apprenticeships: Future Apprenticeship workshops
Are you thinking of becoming an end-point assessor for apprenticeships? The Education & Training Foundation are hosting 3 events to help kick-start your preparations and professional development:
- Wednesday, 11 October 2017 (Manchester)
- Wednesday, 13 December 2017 (Birmingham)
- Tuesday, 30 January 2018 (London)
These events will help you understand what makes a good end-point assessor and will feature sessions that develop your skills and build your knowledge of end-point assessment methods and practices. You will also have the chance to meet Apprenticeship Assessment Organisations and understand their requirements.
To find out more and book a place, visit the Education & Training Foundation website.