ETF launches one stop shop Study Programmes resource Exhibition Site

The Study Programmes Exhibition Site has been launched by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) to bring together all the key information and resources to help post-16 providers of study programmes.
ETF’s study programmes are designed to maximise learner potential through quality bespoke support packages that develop highly effective work placements promoting social action, maths and English skills.
This Exhibition Site, developed in conjunction with the Adult Learning Improvement Network (ALIN), ensures easier access for providers to resources including reports, training materials, presentations, flyers, videos, posters, and case studies from study programmes that have been developed over the last few years.
The resources are organised under several distinct headings including:
- Managing study programmes
- Technical route resources
- Monitoring learner progress resources
- Case studies
The Exhibition Site is part of the Excellence Gateway which is the ETF’s resources portal where you can search for, browse and filter over 7,000 resources. Resources cover a broad range of topics including guidance, effective practice, teaching materials, research and CPD materials.
In May 2018, ETF commissioned a forth Study Programme project with ALIN. This programme continues the work commissioned during 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 to support providers in the management of work experience and the better embedding of maths and English as part of a 16-19 study programme. The focus is centred on the value to the learner and how these experiences can provide opportunities to develop social action, maths and English. Resources developed in this stage will be added to the site in 2019.
Feedback on the resources:
“The creation of technical flyers is an opportunity for curriculum staff to work together with maths and English staff to help learners gain valuable knowledge with practical work related examples,” – Berkshire College of Agriculture.
“I really like the social action resources. In fact, I’m suggesting we use one of them (fundraising) as a project,” – PM Training.
The Exhibition Site resources and information from study programmes can be found on the Study Programmes Exhibition Site. To find out more information about Study Programme Support visit the ETF website.