Further education outcome-based success measures: 2014 to 2015

DfE today (1 Nov) published their latest statistics showing the destination outcomes of learners completing further education training between 2014 and 2015 using longitudinal education outcomes data.
Outcome-based measures covering the destinations (into employment and learning) and the progression of learners. It covers learners completing funded further education training in academic years:
- 2013 to 2014
- 2014 to 2015
It builds on previous data for learners completing training in 2011 to 2014.
The data uses the longitudinal education outcomes (LEO) study, which looks at how learners move through education and into the labour market by bringing together:
- schools, further and higher education information from the Department for Education (DfE)
- employment information from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
- benefit histories from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
The ‘outcome-based success measures’ documents show data for all traineeships from academic year 2013 to 2014 – the most recent year for which measures are available. The tables give additional context on destination rates at provider, geographic, and qualification level.
Adult further education: how do we measure success?
Published 12 August 2014
Last updated 10 December 2014 — see all updates
This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded
Adult further education: outcome based success measures – government response
Ref: BIS/14/1196PDF, 182KB
Detail of outcome
This is the government’s response to the consultation showing the main findings and outlining the next steps to be taken to develop the measures. We have published new experimental earnings data alongside this government response. This is a step towards achieving Lord Young’s recommendation for a ‘further earnings and employment record’ to support informed choice. Read his report on ‘The relevance of enterprise in education’.
Original consultation Summary: Proposals for developing and using a new set of outcome based measures of performance for publicly funded post-19 education and skills.
This consultation ran from midday on 12 August 2014 to 5:30pm on 10 October 2014
Consultation description
This consultation sets out proposals for developing and using a new set of outcome based measures of performance for publicly funded post-19 education and skills, excluding higher education.
These measures focus on 3 areas:
- learner destinations (into employment or further learning)
- progression within learning
- earnings
They will be used alongside existing measures of achievement to inform learner and employer choice, and ultimately as part of government’s performance management of the post-19 education and skills sector.
The first set of experimental data on these measures at provider level is published alongside this consultation.
Outcome based success measures for adult further education
Ref: BIS/14/543PDF, 435KB, 37 pages
Published 12 August 2014
Last updated 10 December 2014
- 10 December 2014 Government response and next steps published.
- 12 August 2014 First published.