Guidance: School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) providers financial handbook
Best practice financial management and governance guidance for SCITT providers.
School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) providers financial handbook
Ref: DfE-00151-2019HTML
Best practice guidance on financial governance and the management of funds for SCITT providers, including:
- local authority-maintained schools
- multi-academy trusts
- sponsored academies
- free schools
- studio schools
- special providers
- private companies
- charities
The guide is for SCITT provider staff. It will also be useful to:
- accounting officers
- business managers or chief financial officers
- clerks of the board of trustees
- governing bodies
- auditors
This guide is not aimed at Higher Education Institute providers, who should follow the financial management requirements set by the Office for Students.
For further guidance contact the ITT funding team: [email protected]
Published 31 July 2019