Kirklees College hosts Construction Virtual Open Day

With traditional open days postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, @KirkleesCollege hosted a #Virtual Open Day to support prospective Construction students considering their options this September.
The event took place via the new Kirklees College website, where teaching staff delivered presentations on the courses and facilities available at the college’s industry standard Brunel Construction Centre. Attendees were also able to ask questions during the Q&A sessions on Microsoft Teams.
The event was a success and well attended by parents and students alike, offering an insight into skilled Construction trades available to study, including Brickwork, Joinery, Plastering, Plumbing and Electrical.
Nick Taylor, Curriculum Manger for Construction at Kirklees College, said:
“The Virtual Open Day provided us the opportunity to showcase our facilities and provide lots of useful information about our courses and college life. As we move into a world of digital learning for the new academic year, the online event was a good opportunity for staff and students to see first-hand what their lessons will look like.
Now is the ideal time for young people to consider a career in Construction, due to a massive skills shortage within the sector and the government’s new housing agenda that will put skilled Construction workers in high demand. We have some strong links with local employers and with the recent announcement of the incentive bonuses on offer to companies who are willing to take on new apprentices, we are hoping that businesses will feel confident to employ some of our students.”
The virtual tour of the Brunel Construction Centre and presentations from the event are now available to view on the Kirklees College YouTube channel and dedicated website page.