Layla Moran will join Student Climate Change strike

Oxford West and Abingdon MP Layla Moran has given her support to all students that are protesting on Friday to highlight the risks of global warming, in Oxford and across the UK.
Layla has backed the strike action inspired by climate change activist Greta Thunberg and will be joining students at Carfax Tower in Oxford at midday on Friday.
Commenting on the strikes on Friday, Liberal Democrat Education Spokesperson Layla Moran said:
“Without a doubt this strike is a pivotal moment for the students involved. We face a global crisis in climate change and I am proud to support our younger generation who have taken up such an important and principled cause.
“As a former teacher I absolutely understand the frustrations that teachers and schools may have with these strikes. However I would describe this as a teachable moment. I hope schools colleges and universities see this in the positive light it is meant and equally hope those students act sensibly with making sure adults know where they are and making up the missed work”
“Time and time again we have seen the issue of climate change ignored, whether it be locally due to the ignorance of local councils who plough on with projects that will damage the environment, or the Tories’ shameful national record on climate change.
“My message to the students across the country is this – I and the Lib Dems stand beside you. It’s time the whole country including all levels of Government saw climate change as the global and imminent crisis it is.”