An Early Years & Childhood Studies lecturer at Stratford-upon-Avon College (@StratfordColl) will travel to Kenya in the middle of the summer dry season to cycle 400k across 6 days in order to raise money for four cancer charities.
Sara Greedy, 57 from Evesham, decided to take on the gruelling challenge in memory of her sister, Nicola Williams, who passed away from Ovarian Cancer on her 55th birthday in 2015. Sara remarks: “Nikki was a force to be reckoned with and the challenge I’ve undertaken pales in comparison to what cancer put her through twice and the ordeal she faced with chemotherapy.”
The two years of Nicola’s battle with cancer tested Sara who cared for her sister from day one of her diagnosis up until she held her hand on August 3rd, 2015 and told her “Enough now, Nikki”.
Sara reflects on the care her sister received from Mountbatten, the only Hospice in Isle of Wight, with fondness: “They not only cared for my sister but for me and my family too, they fed us and looked after all of us, going above and beyond.”
Explaining why she decided to take on the Women vs Cancer Cycle Kenya, Sara explains: “So many women around me have survived cancer including my best friend who told me she had signed up to do this, so I said, ‘Okay, I’m going to sign up too!’”
Astonishingly, Sara shares that she had never cycled before: “My husband got me a bike for my 40th and it just rusted away in the shed. Now, I’ve cycled on 21-mile routes with hills and discovered hidden gems within my local area! I absolutely love cycling.”
Though now comfortable with riding her bicycle along main roads and up hills, the real test is yet to come for Sara who notes: “My 6-month training begins in Easter and it’s not just cycling, it involves lengthy walks, swimming, aerobics and strength training.”
What makes Sara’s dedication to this challenge even more remarkable is that not only has she taught herself how to cycle from scratch but that she also suffers from Asthma. She laughs: “Believe me, I’m not underestimating this challenge one bit.”
Sara has been teaching Early Years education since 2005 and initially came to lecture at Stratford-upon-Avon College for maternity cover in 2016. She explains: “I didn’t leave because I absolutely love it here, my colleagues are my friends, and the students are so polite and friendly. It’s a wonderful place to work.”
Sara aims to raise a minimum of £3500 which will be divided between the four following charities; Breast Cancer Now, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, Ovarian Cancer Action, and Faraja Cancer Support in Kenya which Sara will visit on her last day there.
Visit Sara’s Just Giving page to donate to her worthwhile cause https://justgiving.com/fundraising/s-greedy
You can also keep up with her progress via her Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Saragreedy1963/