Former Newbury College student’s career takes flight

Former @NewburyCollege student, Luke Penny, is helping to redefine the term “air mail” as he takes his career as a Flight Operations Engineer to new heights with Skyports.
Skyports have teamed up with Royal Mail and deployed Luke and his colleagues to Scotland as they made the UK’s first drone package delivery. Royal Mail said it was the first step in its drone programme, which is aimed at making it easier to serve rural locations. The team will be re-deployed again in the new year to deliver medical supplies to some of the UK’s most remote islands.
Creative Media Production was Luke’s chosen programme of study at Newbury College, and he graduated earlier this summer. His passion for drone photography was encouraged by Course Leader, Julian Bellmont, who said: “Luke was always a very keen and enthusiastic student. He was able to use his creativity to solve problems and come up with some innovative work.”
Luke recently got in touch with the College to personally pass on his thanks for “preparing [him] for the workplace.” This preparation included in-house projects and work experience opportunities, such as his placement at Tech Camp, one of the UK’s leading hands-on coding, engineering and design summer camps.
Newbury College is helping young people, like Luke, prepare for the future with career-focused education programmes and apprenticeships that provide technical skills with academic understanding.