New ‘Apprentices are Amazing’ films show how workforce apprenticeships can help plug skills gaps and empower existing employees.

The inspirational films from Amazing Apprenticeships follow Alex, a team leader at the Gourdon Institute at the University of Cambridge, and Roda, a day service support worker at Herts County Council, each utilising an apprenticeship to progress in an existing role.
Alex’s role involves managing a team of five, each with a varied skill set. While Alex was experienced in his day-to-day role, he identified a need to develop team and project management skills.
Currently pursuing a level 5 management and leadership apprenticeship, Alex combines his role with the apprenticeship by identifying and connecting a relevant work project into the programme and working with a mentor.
“The course has been made very relevant to my work environment so I’m applying what I am doing as I’m working. It’s been a good learning experience and good development of management and leadership skills.The perfect course to address the skills gaps that I have.”
Roda is working on a level 3 apprenticeship in adult social care to be in a position to apply for a more senior role with her organisation and hopes to apply as soon as she has completed her training.
“I’m looking to develop my skills to be a team leader. I have always known about apprentices but I didn’t know you could start an apprenticeship at any age. My apprenticeship is giving me skills to be a role model to other staff.”
Using workplace apprenticeships to upskill existing employees is a route many employers are now taking, not only to meet increasing skills gaps but to boost motivation and retention in staff.
The full set of films is available to watch on the Amazing Apprenticeships website.