Pathways Training Hidden Musical Talents

Clive Green from Pathways Training, Newtown College (Part of @NPTCGroup of Colleges) put his time in lockdown to good use by coming out of retirement as a country music singer and making a charity album in aid of raising funds for Support Children with Cancer UK.
Clive & Sandra Green, aka Country Company Award-winning country music singers, retired from the music industry in 2013 after 24 years as professional musicians and 10 years prior as semi-pro.
They enjoyed local, national and international acclaim receiving over 70 Best Duo awards at club level and voted Most Popular British Country Music Duo in the UK on three separate occasions by the readers of “Country Music Round-Up Newspaper”.
Finding time on their hands during the lockdowns of 2020, they decided to record a new CD, although having to work remotely with musicians and recording engineers all over Wales, England and Northern Ireland they have produced their brand new album. “From Here To The Moon And Back”, the album has 11 great country songs and is available for £11 inclusive of P&P.