Pete Marples 10 point manifesto for training and skills

FE News catches up with Pete Marples, co-owner of training provider Aspire Achieve Advance, at the Voice of Apprenticeships conference. He sets out ‘The Marples 10 point manifesto’ for training and skills listed below:
Point 1: – Bring apprenticeship wages to at least £125 per week
Point 2 – See a Government review of the role of FE for the next 30 years – it will look very different to the structure we have now
Point 3 – Harmonise funding for 19-21 to that of 16-18 to reduce the number of NEETs
Point 4 – – Implement funding reforms to place providers at the heart of the system using a voucher system
Pont 5 – Improve the regulation of trainers and assessors so learners benefit
Point 6 – For BIS / SFA to review the role subcontracting should play in the system
Point 7 – Promote apprenticeships to SMEs, which make up 80% of all starts
Point 8 – Motivate the sector to deliver value added level 3 and 4 apprenticeship starts through increasing the employer discount
Point 9 – Abolish funding for 23+ and use it to fund apprenticeship starts
Ponit 10 – Recognise that the Trailblazers are remarkebly similar to existing frameworks but are costing two or three times the cost to implement
Click below to hear more about his 10 point plan: