Praise from Ofsted, following ‘Good’ Inspection, rounds off MK College’s Summer of Success

The report gave particular praise to the fast and continued progress achieved since the previous report by Ofsted, explaining: “Leaders, managers and governors have made rapid progress in building a culture of continuous improvement with determination. They have communicated this very successfully to staff and as a result, staff across the college, are enthusiastic and apply the improvement strategies effectively to their work.” As a result, the College confirmed its position as a leading Further Education provider in the region.
The team of ten inspectors observed a range of classes and college activities and met with students, employers and stakeholders and were impressed with what they saw and heard. They commented that “Students benefit from imaginative, well-structured and interesting lessons” and highlighted that “most students make good progress” compared to their starting points.
Inspectors went on to praise the good quality teaching, learning and assessment in both classroom and practical sessions which enables learners to develop good personal and social skills and make good progress in their vocational and academic skills.
They were particularly impressed by the high quality, meaningful external work experience, enrichment activities and additional qualifications that improve the skills students need for work, observing that “Students’ progression is a particular strength”.
Ofsted recognised the College’s strong apprenticeship provision and its work with adults: commenting “…apprentices take pride in their work and can talk positively about the skills that they are developing, and noting that achievement for adults is higher than that of similar providers nationally.
Dr Julie Mills, Principal and Chief Executive of Milton Keynes College, says: “I am proud of each and every person at the College who has contributed to this huge achievement and in our continued ambition to become the best general Further Education College in the country.
“There are over 8,000 students and apprentices enrolled at Milton Keynes College, in a wide range of post-16 education and training, including 16 to 19 years study programmes in a variety of vocational areas, adult learning programmes and apprenticeships. Our core mission is to ‘Transform lives through learning’ and it is clear from the feedback in this report that we are successfully achieving this.”
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