Public Services Student Anna Will Go to the Gambia to Volunteer in the New Year

West London College is delighted to announce during Colleges Week (17 -21 October) that one of our Public Services students, Anna Hanvey (17) is going to Gambia in the new year (14-28 February). Anna will spend two weeks in a Gambian village, helping to renovate classrooms in a school.
Second year, level 3 learner Anna, originally from Harrogate in Yorkshire, moved to London to fulfil her career aspirations of becoming a detective in the Metropolitan Police Service. She hopes to start by getting a place on a police constable apprenticeship, and working her way up within the Met.
Anna says: “As London is the capital city, most crime takes place here, so that’s where I feel I can do the most good.”
Anna enrolled onto her Public Services Level 3 course at West London College and joined the local police cadets at the same time. She feels West London College has been instrumental in giving her the skills she needs to achieve success in her career.
Anna says: “West London College has provided me with a range of skills, including: critical thinking, leadership skills, communication, teamwork, and a high level of personal fitness.”
Anna’s tutor, Darren Morgan will help organise Anna’s college work so that she can complete her studies online while she is volunteering in Gambia.
Darren said: “This is a wonderful opportunity in personal development for Anna and in making a valuable contribution in Gambia.”
Anna will be able to complete the residential and volunteering requirements of her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award through her volunteering experience in Gambia, Anna will also achieve an ASDAN qualification in volunteering. She sees these as useful add-on benefits to as a result of her volunteering trip to Gambia, but not the main reason for going as she says: “I could achieve the requirements for my DofE Gold in the UK, but I’ve chosen to go to Gambia as I am really committed to the work I will be doing there.”
Anna continued: “My main motivation to go is to help the village children by painting the classrooms with other volunteers. I’ll also be taking part in some lessons, visiting families to cook meals with them and visiting markets and other venues to learn about Gambian culture.”
Anna will be talking about her trip as the Guest Speaker at the West London College Student Awards ceremony on Tuesday, 8 November 2022. Look out for the livestream on our YouTube channel.
Watch Anna talking about her trip here:
Anna needs to raise £800 to fund her trip. If you would like to make a donation, please visit her GoFundMe page below.
If you are interested in a course in Public Services at West London College, browse and apply here.