Ready for the world: ACS International School Egham students celebrate International Baccalaureate results

Students at ACS International School Egham are celebrating success in their International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP). The DP is an academically challenging programme of international education that prepares students aged 16 to 19 for success at university and in life beyond.
ACS Egham students who studied the DP achieved a 94% pass rate, with an average point score of 35 – placing them well ahead of the global average of 29.9 points, and equating to more than 3 A*’s at A Level, according to UCAS. Many students will now begin their undergraduate courses studying subjects including Chemical Engineering, Business Management, Biological Science, Sports Management, Film Studies and Politics, Philosophy and Economics, at universities such as Bath, King’s College London, London School of Economics, Southampton, Leeds, St Andrews and Queen Mary’s.
This was an unusual and particularly challenging year for DP students with the IB cancelling this year’s spring examinations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, like other awarding bodies in the UK and around the world. However, this year’s DP qualifications are not based solely on teacher-predicted grades (like A levels and GCSE awards), but rather on externally-marked coursework that represents students’ demonstrated academic achievement. The IB’s altered award process resulted in some candidates receiving lower grades than expected. ACS Egham is supporting affected students in their university applications, monitoring global trends and reviewing results at all levels to ensure that graduates can progress as smoothly as possible to the next stage in their education.
Recent ACS Egham graduate Pablo commented: “The IB was harder and more stressful than I imagined. With that said, it has also been more rewarding than I imagined. In hindsight, it has developed me as a student and as a person massively, I feel so much more prepared and ready for life after high school. The IB allowed me to gather a variety of skills that I will be able to apply in the future such as research skills or time management.
“ACS Egham has always provided all the support I needed, whether that was educational, physical, emotional or career wise. I’ve always been reminded of the school’s emotional support through their counsellors, and the university counselling is amazing. I have always felt encouraged to ask teachers for help and ask questions.”
Jeremy Lewis, Head of School, ACS Egham, comments: “On behalf of all of the staff at ACS Egham, I would like to congratulate our 2020 cohort celebrating their IB results. We wish all of our students the best of luck as they approach the next stage of their lives – be that university, a chosen career path or moving to another country – equipped with the skills, attributes and international mindset provided by an ACS education. Where some of our students did not receive the grades they were expecting, we are working closely with them to take appropriate action.
“ACS Egham is the only school in the UK to offer all four IB programmes. From Early Childhood through to Grade 12, students are challenged to excel in their studies and in their personal development, building a wide range of important competencies for life. I would also like to recognise our teachers who help support and prepare our students for the next phase of their life.”