Research and analysis: Upcoming DWP research publications
This document provides details of upcoming Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) research publications.
Upcoming research
More information about our research publications is available on the Research at DWP page.
Published 18 January 2018
Last updated 26 July 2019 + show all updates
- Announced that ‘In-work progression trial: further impact assessment and cost benefit analysis’ and ‘Interventions supporting ethnic minority labour market participation: part two’ will now be published later in 2019.
- Added ‘Employment Advisers in Improving Access to Psychological Therapies: process evaluation report’, ‘In-work progression trial: further impact assessment and cost benefit analysis’ and ‘Interventions supporting ethnic minority labour market participation: part two’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 22 July 2019.
- Added ‘Sickness absence and health in the workplace: understanding employer behaviour and practice – an interim summary’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 24 June 2019.
- Added ‘Understanding self-employment for people with disabilities and health conditions’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 13 May 2019.
- Added ‘Understanding private providers of occupational health services: An interim summary of survey research’ and ‘Employers’ motivations and practices: A study of the use of occupational health services’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 1 April 2019.
- Added ‘Fraud and error deterrence/prevention message testing’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 25 March 2019.
- Added ‘DWP employer engagement survey 2018’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 4 March 2019.
- Added ‘DWP Areas of Research Interest 2019’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 25 February 2019.
- Added upcoming research publications for week commencing 25 February 2019.
- Added ‘Planning and preparing for later life: a social survey feasibility study’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 4 February 2018.
- Added ‘DWP claimant service and experience survey 2017 to 2018’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 28 January 2019.
- Added ‘Interventions supporting ethnic minority labour market participation: part one’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 21 January 2019.
- Added ‘Employment and Support Allowance: evaluation of pilots to support work-related activity group customers with an 18 to 24 month re-referral period’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 7 January 2019.
- Added ‘Evaluation of phase 1 of the Local Family Offer pilot’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 7 January 2019.
- Added ‘Automatic enrolment evaluation report 2018’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 17 December 2018.
- Added ‘Local Authority Insight Survey wave 34: Fraud and error in Housing Benefit, changes to local authority structures and services, and Housing Benefit limiting absences outside Great Britain’ and ‘Local Authority Insight Survey wave 35: Supported accommodation: qualitative interviews with local authorities’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 17 December 2018.
- Added ‘Pension Wise service evaluation 2017/18: Experiences and outcomes of customers using Pension Wise in 2017/18’ to the list of upcoming research for the week beginning 26 November 2018.
- Added ‘Access to Work research review’ to the list of upcoming research for week beginning 12 November 2018.
- Added ‘Universal Credit: in-work progression randomised controlled trial’ to the list of upcoming research for week beginning 10 September 2018.
- Added ‘Personal Independence Payment: claimant experiences of the claim process’ to the list of upcoming research for week beginning 3 September 2018.
- Added ‘Innovation Fund pilot: assessment of return on investment’ to the list of upcoming research for week beginning 3 September 2018.
- Added ‘Weekly Work Search Review trial’ to the list of upcoming research for week beginning 2 July 2018.
- Added ‘European Social Fund impact evaluation: research design and scoping study’ to the list of upcoming research for week beginning 2 July 2018.
- Added ‘Employers’ pension provision survey 2017′, ‘Automatic enrolment: quantitative research with small and micro employers’ and ‘Fit for Work: process evaluation and feasibility of an impact evaluation’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘Universal Credit full service claimant survey’ and ‘Universal Credit: understanding its impact on the labour market’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘Personalisation Pathfinder: evaluation’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions early warning trial evaluation: qualitative report’ and ‘Jobseeker’s Allowance sanctions early warning trial evaluation: final report’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘Conversion of Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) from a benefit into a loan: April 2018’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘Evaluation of Jobcentre Plus Support for Schools programme: National roll-out evaluation’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘Universal Credit managed migration and reduced Housing Benefit backdating period: Local Authority Insight Survey Wave 33’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- Added ‘DWP claimant service and experience survey 2016 to 2017’ to list of upcoming research publications.
- First published.