RM to partner with the RSA
RM today announces its partnership with the one of the leadingbodies in education and educational thinking, the RoyalSociety for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) and itsAcademy in Tipton (Sandwell). The Academy opens in September 2008 and inaddition to providing a first class education for the young people of Tipton,it will become the National Centre for the development of Opening Minds.
Working with the Academy, RM will tailor its KaleidosLearning Platform specifically to support the Opening Minds curriculum. TheAcademy will be supported with educational consultancy from the RM team, accessdedicated curriculum software and benefit from the provision ofultra-mobile student devices as part of the partnership by RM.
The RM/RSA partnership will be instrumental in driving forwardthe development of new curriculum materials to be used alongside the innovativeand exciting teaching and learning methods the Academy will pioneer. MichaelGernon, Academy Principal is looking forward to developing a long lastingrelationship with RM. “Our partnership with RM provides one of the mostsignificant and exciting opportunities for a leading educational ICT providerand an Academy to work so closely together. The focus on developing innovativesolutions to competency-based delivery using the latest technologies, willbring about a sea-change in teaching and learning and be of benefit to a largernumber of institutions linked to us.”
Terry Sweeney, CEO of RM, commented, “We are absolutelydelighted to be partnering with the RSA. It is partnerships such as this thattruly underline our commitment to driving educational excellence in the
Lesley James of the RSA, added, “It is critical that wework with partners and companies that are as visionary and forward-looking aswe are here at the RSA. We’re very pleased to be partnering with RM whichhas the expertise and vision to be able to support the RSA in developing ourAcademy. This is the beginning of what we hope to be a long and fruitfulpartnership for both parties.”