From education to employment

STEM:SORTED Lighting the Spark! Helping Kids fall in love with the world of #STEM early on

After a hugely successful sell-out event last year, KIDSORTED is hosting their second annual STEM:SORTED event at the Science Museum on May 20th. Inviting families to put their science, coding and technology skills to the test, KIDSORTED seeks to cultivate a curiosity and passion for STEM subjects in children early on. From science experiments to coding, robotics and forensic analysis, children can participate in a  range of exciting activities to learn important skills firsthand.

KIDSORTED have teamed up with 16 children’s organisations across London to host the event. Together, they share a common goal of introducing children to the wonders of STEM and fostering a love for these subjects at a young age. The world today is undergoing a technological revolution and it’s vital that children are taught the skills to understand the rapid changes occurring around them. 

With an astonishing annual shortfall of 40,000 STEM skilled workers, and a predicted STEM labour shortage of over half a million by 2023, there is a clear and immediate need  for a greater understanding and interest in STEM subjects in order for this demand to be met.

Due to a variety of factors including misconceptions of STEM subjects, lack of accessible teaching and social disadvantages, the STEM sector today is widely non-diverse, with the majority of STEM jobs occupied by white men. Through this event, KIDSORTED seeks to address this imbalance and to encourage all children to explore the possibility of a future career in STEM sectors. 

Julia Brucher, KIDSORTED’s Co-Founder and CEO comments:In a world where technology is moving very fast and STEM skills are in critical demand, we want to help give every child a head-start towards becoming a future scientist, engineer, programmer or tech entrepreneur. We believe that there should be equal career opportunities to all kids regardless of gender, background or education, and making STEM subjects fun and interesting is the way in.”

Cynthia Nadal, Head of Partnerships and the brains behind STEM:SORTED, organised KIDSORTED’s first STEM event last September at Imperial College.  Tickets sold out within a couple of days, making it clear that families are very interested in getting involved with STEM.

This year, STEM:SORTED will be even bigger, with almost double the amount of providers showcasing what their educational workshops have to offer. The Science Museum, London’s home of all things STEM, is natural choice of venue for this event.

Cynthia comments:STEM offers some of the most exciting jobs in the world and it is therefore my dream to motivate children to develop an interest in such subjects. It is particularly inspiring to see young girls getting involved as STEM is still a male-dominated industry.”

Save the Date for STEM:SORTED 20 May 2018

STEM:SORTED will be in the Wellcome Wing at the Science Museum on May 20th 2018. Click here for ticket sales.

KIDSORTED will host a morning and an afternoon session catering to 800 people. The event is sponsored by Detective Dot, Mini-Epic and Kelly Reeves photography and the line up will include the workshops run by: Blue{shift}, Night Zookeeper,, Chelsea Physic Garden, Robotic Workshops For Schools, Scribeasy, OJO, Little House of Science, E2 Young Engineers West London, Kids with Brains, Cypher, London School Of Mathematics & Programming, CSI – The Detective Project, Inspired Minds, Young Film Academy and GoCode.

About KIDSORTED: The Little Black Book for your Family. Our vision is to be the world’s largest technology platform for kids’ activities and services. We build the technology to allow anyone to create, promote, find and book experiences and services that enrich children’s lives. KIDSORTED connects parents with local activity and service providers, making it easy to find and book high quality and trusted providers. The platform offers a vast variety of activities, camps, days out and more. Parents can browse and book over 25,000 activities.

For activity providers and businesses, KIDSORTED is a strong growth partner. The platform gives local businesses the opportunity to grow by offering targeted digital marketing to reach thousands of local parents as well as value-add services such as a SAAS booking & payment system to reduce time spent on backend processes.


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