Strengthened Local Enterprise Partnerships

Government review into Local Enterprise Partnerships focuses on strengthening business engagement to drive accountability and diversity.
The government recently announced their review of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) which set out the government’s approach to ensuring prosperous communities throughout the country.
The recent review is seen as an opportunity to strengthen the role of LEPs, formalising their responsibilities, and driving best practice with regards to leadership, accountability and performance. The government is also asking LEPs to review their geographic boundaries, to remove overlaps where it is appropriate; and seeks to understand how to improve alignment and collaboration between the LEPs and Mayoral Combined Authorities.
The government have also announced they will aim to have all Local Industrial Strategies agreed by 2020 – it is crucial they see this through to ensure that no region gets left behind in the roll-out and delivery of these important strategies.
Business will welcome many aspects of the review, including the focus on leadership and organisational capacity, and on improving accountability and performance. Going forward, firms will be looking to work closely with the LEPs to identify future Chairs and will welcome the opportunity to sit on boards which represent the breadth and diversity of businesses and local communities in the area.
Additionally, clear measures of success, combined will defined roles and responsibility will ensure consistence across England when it comes to the delivery of the Local Industrial Strategies, driving growth and prosperity across the UK.