From education to employment

Top Of The Class

A Barnfield College Luton student is all set to take the business world by storm, winning 18 distinctions in the 18 units of his business course.

Ajaypal Singh, 19, took his BTEC National Diploma in Business at Barnfield College Luton.  His record number of distinctions is the equivalent of three Grade As at A-level.

Ajaypal, who has been accepted to study business at Brunel University, is aiming to work in business management.

“I really enjoyed the application of the course to the real world – we studied supermarkets and the housing market, for example. I’m grateful to my tutor who was very supportive and pushed me.”

Pete Birkett, Chief Executive of Barnfield College, said: “We are very proud of Ajaypal who achieved the highest grade possible for each piece of work he submitted.”

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