From education to employment

Unemployed to “get set for work”

David Grailey is chief executive of NCFE, the national awarding organisation

National qualification provider NCFE says its latest range of qualifications will help more unemployed people get back into work.

NCFE has launched ‘Get Set for Work’ – a range of training specifically developed to ensure people have the skills and knowledge required to enter the job market, gain employment and improve their career prospects.

The qualifications provide learners with the essential numeracy, literacy, ICT and personal skills required by employers. They also meet the needs of employers and learners and can be delivered as part of Entry to Employment, Skills for Life and Employer-Responsive packages.

David Grailey, Chief Executive at NCFE, said: “Jobless figures will continue to rise unless relevant training is provided to support the unemployed.

“In the current economic climate it is vital that we offer people relevant and employer-responsive qualifications. The Get Set for Work package offers people key skills which will support them in the difficult and competitive job market.

“The FE sector needs to work together to ensure we continue to develop this type of vocational training – which looks at specific needs and supports people looking for an entry to employment.”

The qualifications include: employability skills; key and basic skills; preparation for life and work; apprenticeships and technical certificates; NVQs; functional skills and vocational pathways in key growth areas such as health, public services and care, leisure travel and tourism and retail and commercial enterprise. Key qualifications that feature include:

* Level 1 Certificate and Level 2 Certificate in Employment Skills

* Level 3 Certificate in Personal Effectiveness at Work

* Level 1 Award and Level 1 Certificate in Exploring Enterprise Capabilities

* Level 2 Award and Level 2 Certificate in Developing Enterprise Capabilities

* Level 1 Certificate in Personal Money Management

* Level 2 Certificate in Volunteering

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