Using the register of apprentice assessment organisations

ESFA today (30 June) updated the information for employers on using the register of apprentice assessment organisations to find an independent end-point assessment organisation.
The introduction to the register provides an overview of the role of the register to support employers and the criteria set for applications.
From May 2017 the register has started to be incorporated into the apprenticeship service.
Selecting an organisation
You can choose any organisation listed on the register against the apprenticeship standard being taken by your apprentice. You can decide to choose one without contacting any others or you may want to talk to more than one. Alternatively, you may want to run your own formal, in-depth selection process.
Carry out your own checks so that you are sure the organisation you ultimately select is the right one for you and your apprentice.
Unless the assessment plans states otherwise you cannot select your apprentices’ training organisation to be the end-point assessment organisation.
Selecting an organisation that is not listed on the register
If you want to use an organisation that is not on the register you will need to make sure they apply and are listed against the apprenticeship standard before you can consider them for conducting independent end-point assessment of your apprentices.
Selecting an organisation when none are listed on the register against an apprenticeship standard
You will not be able to select an end-point assessment organisation for your apprentice until at least one organisation is listed on the register for that apprenticeship standard.
ESFA operate a monthly application process for organisations interested in delivering end-point assessment and add to the register regularly.
Requesting further information about an organisation on the register
To support you in choosing an end-point assessment organisation you can ask an organisation on the register for more information about the service they offer. Alternatively, you can ask ESFA about their application.
If you would like to see information from an application to help you choose an organisation, we can share it with you. Please email ESFA for the information. Only those employers involved in the delivery of an approved apprenticeship standard can access additional information about organisations on the register.