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West Paints a Brighter Future for Boys’ Brigade Hall

West Paints a Brighter Future for Boys’ Brigade Hall

West College Scotland’s Painting and Decorating department have been giving back in the local community this month in partnership with Paisley Crown Decorating Centre.

Under the guidance of Curriculum Quality Leader, Andy Corbett and Quality Enhancement Lecturer, John Currie a group of highly skilled first-year Painting and Decorating apprentices from our Clydebank campus have undertaken the task of revitalizing the Vale of Leven Boys’ Brigade Hall in Alexandria with a fresh coat of paint. Crown has generously donated all the materials required for this project, allowing the work to be carried out entirely in-kind.

Curriculum Quality Leader, Andy Corbett said,

“We are always delighted to support the local communities with this type of project if it fits into the curriculum. Hopefully, the some of the youngsters currently attending the BB will go on to attend the college in pursuit of their career. We can then build on the good work undertaken by their officers and help shape their future.

Crown Paints Manager, Tom Cook said,

“We were absolutely thrilled when Dougie from the college approached us to join them with this fantastic project and had no hesitation on delivering the materials to assist.”

Captain, 1st Vale of Leven Boys Brigade Company and Girls Association, Hugh Hutchinson said,

“The project has saved our charity a great deal of money on refurbishment work in the hall.  Indirectly, our community users also gain from the improvement. This weekend we will have over 100 local people in the hall to provide refreshments to everyone who attends the Remembrance Parade.”

He continued, “On behalf of the trustees of the Lennox and Argyll Battalion of the Boys Brigade, I pass my special thanks to the College staff and students and paint suppliers, Crown Paints for their work on the project to paint our hall – it is looking great!”

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