Work-related stress is the second most commonly reported cause of occupational ill health in Great Britain

Stress Management Training Courses and Workshops from HSE Training
Work-related stress is the second most commonly reported cause of occupational ill health in Great Britain, accounting for 37% of all work-related ill-health cases, and 45% of all working days lost due to ill health. As such, work-related stress is a priority in HSE’s Health and Work strategy.
The below training courses and workshops have been designed to address all levels within the business to help you create a coordinated approach to reducing stress in the workplace and to create a resilient organisation that can cope with an ever-changing business environment.
11 October 2018, 21 February 2019 etc. venues Manchester
Experts will open this one day event by taking delegates through some of their top tips on how to undertake an organisational wide risk assessment approach to preventing work-related stress and highlight the aspirational goal of achieving H&S cultural excellence.
This event will however, focus on providing delegates with knowledge and understanding of the causes of stress both from the home and workplace. It will offer practical strategies that you can use to spot signs of stress and consider how you might manage stress more effectively by creating a high performing team.
This event would be most suitable for those in a position of leading on stress management within the business, including human resources, occupational health, line managers and health and safety professionals.
A Workshop for those Leading the Organisation’s Approach to Stress Management
28-29 November 2018, HSE Buxton
How do you implement a comprehensive stress management programme across the business? How do you set your vision, engage the workforce and initiative a suitable programme that is tailored to your business needs? How do you ensure that it is successful and compliant with regulation?
This 2-day workshop is tailored to those who are expected to lead the organisation’s approach to stress management, i.e. those working in HR, health and safety and occupational health business functions. The workshop will cover three key topic areas:
- Work-related stress and the associated HSE Management Standards process
- Individual case management
- Creating a high performing team