Chris Jones, City and Guilds, on creating a great deal for British youth

FE News chats with Chris Jones, chief executive and director general of City and Guilds about how to create a great deal for Britain’s young people.
Chris explains how a great deal for British youth is centred around strengthening the link between education and the work place. He calls for employers to be more engaged in the curriculum so they can receive the necessary skills and knowledge required for their business. He also calls on industry to be more involved in careers advice and guidance, and to provide the opportunity to inspire young people through creating experience of the world of work.
Chris believes there is much to learn from the education systems of other countries, in particular how the engagement of 15-18 year olds into vocational education can have a direct impact on youth unemployment. He gives the example of Norway, where 54% of 15-18 year olds are involved in vocational education and youth unemployment is just 9%. Similar figures are also found in the Netherlands and other developed countries.
Find out more about the options City & Guilds provides from their website.