Online Safety – Trends and Challenges Panel Discussion

It’s no surprise that technology and the internet has become a part of everyday life, especially over the past few months with remote learning in place across the world (@NetSupportGroup).
Consequently, keeping young people safe online, while being respectful to their privacy, is more challenging than ever before – especially since most young people are accessible 24/7 though a variety of channels, in a digital word that is forever changing.
To examine the current trends and insights, useful edtech tools/resources and ways to encourage parental engagement, NetSupport has brought together a panel of online safety experts for a lively virtual discussion about the trends and challenges in keeping young people safe online.
Panel members include:
- Mat Round (@RoundMat) – Deputy Head, Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead at St John’s College
- Emma Hardy (@EmmaHardyPR and @IWFhotline) – Communications Director at the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
- Alan Mackenzie (@esafetyadviser) – Online Safety Specialist –
- Traci Good (@OnlineSafetyHub) – Online Safety Consultant and Founder of
- Al Kingsley (@AlKingsley_Edu) – Chair of two MATs and CEO of NetSupport
Al Kingsley comments,
“Bringing together a range of experts was key to producing an insightful discussion about the real challenges facing schools and parents in protecting young people online. As part of our continued commitment to supporting schools and families, facilitating a conversation about the current trends, useful tools and the experts’ own experiences, will hopefully help schools and parents effectively educate, support and protect young people online – with confidence”.
To watch the discussion, press the video below: